
School Students’ Visit to Zeyna Group: A Unique Educational Experience

A visit by school students to factories or companies like “Zeyna Group” offers a rich and enjoyable educational experience. These visits provide an opportunity to learn about manufacturing processes, interact with employees, and discover what happens behind the scenes in the production of food products. “Zeyna Group,” specialized in the production of high-quality baked goods and sweets, welcomes students on an educational journey that combines knowledge and fun.

A Tour of the Production Lines

Upon the students’ arrival at “Zeyna Group,” the tour begins with a detailed explanation of the stages of manufacturing famous products such as croissants, maamoul, and bread. Supervisors explain how the process starts from selecting natural raw materials to packaging the products with high quality. This tour gives students a deeper understanding of modern manufacturing processes and the importance of adhering to quality standards.

Learning the Importance of Hygiene and Food Safety

At “Zeyna Group,” hygiene and food safety are of utmost importance. Students learn how to comply with global health standards and how quality is monitored at every step of the production process to ensure safe and healthy products. This information enhances students’ awareness of the importance of food safety, both in their daily lives and in future work environments.

Promoting Values and Social Responsibility

In addition to the educational aspect, a visit to “Zeyna Group” plays a role in promoting values such as teamwork, innovation, and social responsibility. Students learn that the food industry is not just about production but also requires innovation and a commitment to social responsibilities like environmental preservation and ensuring workers’ rights.


A school visit to “Zeyna Group” provides a comprehensive educational experience that combines theoretical and practical aspects. It is not only an opportunity to enjoy a tour of the sweets factories but also to learn from real life and develop a deeper understanding of the industrial world. This experience inspires students to think about their future and expand their career horizons.

School Students’ VisitSchool Students’ VisitSchool Students’ VisitSchool Students’ Visit